Posts tagged as "webinar"
Webinar: Methods for Forecasting Demand and Quantifying Need for Rural Passenger Transportation
The National Transit Institute (NTI) is hosting a webinar that will provide information on rural passenger transportation need and demand analysis procedures. The webinar will be based on the work published in TCRP Report 161: Methods for Forecasting Demand and Quantifying Need for Rural Passenger Transportation: Final Workbook and will be presented by Frank Spielberg, principal investigator of the TCRP project and researcher with Vanasse Hangen Brustlin (VHB), and co-authors A.T. Stoddard of LSC Transportation and Corey Pitts of VHB. The presenters will review recommended methods and provide an introduction to an Excel spreadsheet that can be used to implement the procedures. This webinar will be of interest to planners in rural areas and operators of rural passenger transportation systems.
The webinar is on July 23 at 2:00-3:30pm ET. View the advertising flyer for more information.
Webinar Recording: Transit, Technology & Public Participation
The Center for Urban Transportation Research (CUTR) has posted a recording online of a webinar conducted by SURTC researchers Del Peterson and Jeremy Mattson on using technologies, such as smartphones, webcasts, online surveys, and social media, for increasing public participation in transportation planning. The presentation was conducted as part of CUTR's webcast series. The webinar can be viewed at the link below, using the required recording ID. Visit the CUTR Webcast page to view other recordings as well as upcoming webinars.
Webinar recording: Transit, Technology & Public Participation
Recording ID: Transit-Tech
Webinar Recording Posted Online: Tribal Transit & Prospects for Future Funding
On March 28, 2012, SURTC partnered with CTAA and the Northern Plains Tribal Technical Assistance program to present a webinar on Tribal Transit & Prospects for Future Funding.
SURTC researcher Jon Mielke presented the findings of a recent study regarding the impacts of the 5311(c) tribal transit program that was created in 2005 by the SAFETEA-LU federal highway and transit funding bill. The study also identified future funding requirements based on varying levels of tribal participation and the availability of funding from other sources.
Jim Glaze, a tribal transit attorney and partner with the Sonosky, Chambers, Sachse, Endreson, & Perry, LLP, law firm briefed participants on the status of various versions of pending federal reauthorization. The timing of Mr. Glaze’s presentation was especially timely given legislation that is currently pending before Congress.
CUTR Webcast Series: SURTC Presenting Transit, Technology & Public Participation
SURTC researchers Jeremy Mattson and Del Peterson will be presenting findings from their Transit, Technology & Public Participation Study during a webcast Thursday April 5 at 11am CDT.
The Center for Urban Transportation Research (CUTR) will be hosting the presentation as part of their online webcast series.
The objective of this project was to evaluate the benefits of employing an integrated system of technologies and practices to improve public participation in the public transportation planning process. A demonstration project was developed in the Fargo-Moorhead metropolitan area addressing the issues of limited agency resources, individual participation barriers, and the technology divide, among others. A combination of on-vehicle rider surveys, transit-oriented social networks, electronic transportation surveys, and public meeting webcasts were designed to mitigate these issues. For more information, view the project posts.
Webinar: Tribal Transit & Prospects for Future Funding
SURTC is sponsoring a free webinar March 28 on tribal transit and prospects for future funding. Pre-registration is required. Details are shown below.
Title: Tribal Transit and Prospects for Future Funding
Date and Time: Wed, March 28, 2012, 1:00 pm CT
Duration: 1 hour
Cost: Free
- What is the status of the tribal transit industry?
- How has it grown?
- How has it performed?
- What are its funding needs?
- What are the prospects for future funding?
- Kelly Shawn – Community Transportation Association of America
- Jon Mielke – Small Urban and Rural Transit Center
- Jim Glaze – Partner, Sonosky, Chambers, Sachse, Endreson & Perry, LLP
- Small Urban and Rural Transit Center
- Community Transportation Association of America
- Northern Plains Tribal Technical Assistance Program
To register
The entire registration process takes less than a minute. You will receive an email confirmation once you have registered.
Participants will use their computer’s speakers to hear webinar presentations – there is not an access number to dial into. Questions may be asked through the chat feature of the webinar service.
Ride or Relocate Webinar
SURTC and the National Center on Senior Transportation (NCST) held a live webinar August 3. The webinar was cosponsored by the Community Transportation Association of America (CTAA) and the Community Transportation Assistance Program (CTAP). The presentation addressed results from a study conducted in North Dakota which quantified the cost of living at home and riding transit versus relocating to an assisted living facility. In addition, potential marketing strategies were presented utilizing the results of the study to reach people who may be in the process of making these difficult decisions.