Small Urban and Rural Center on Mobility

Posts tagged as "coordination"

Research Report – Evaluating the State of Mobility Management and Human Service Transportation Coordination

A new report published by SURTC evaluates mobility management and human service transportation coordination efforts at different locations across the country and provides an evaluation model that can be used in individual communities. For this study, two surveys were developed and conducted at multiple sites across the country. An end-user survey was distributed to transit users, and a stakeholder survey was sent to transportation providers, human service agencies, and other organizations. The results can be used to assess the effectiveness of mobility management and coordination programs in meeting the needs of transportation-disadvantaged populations and achieving the goals of improved efficiency, ease of access, and quality of service. Results from the communities where surveys were conducted showed positive impacts from the perspectives of both transit users and stakeholders. The full report and executive summary can be found at the link below:

Evaluating the State of Mobility Management and Human Service Transportation Coordination

For more details, contact Jeremy Mattson at

Research Report – Implementing Transit Coordination in North Dakota Pilot Regions

A new report published by SURTC details efforts to facilitate further regional transit coordination in North Dakota. The study, titled, Implementing Transit Coordination in North Dakota Pilot Regions, was commissioned by the ND Department of Transportation as a result of legislative action mandating coordination pilot projects in two regions.

NDDOT previously contracted with SURTC to study various coordination options and to develop corresponding recommendations. The resulting report was completed in December 2010. NDDOT then executed a second contract with SURTC to pursue implementation of recommendations contained in the prior report. The project’s work plan included 17 tasks that focused on increased local input regarding existing and evolving mobility needs, increased coordination among the regions’ operators, more uniform operating standards and policies, and short- and long-term budgets for continued and expanded coordination.

This report summarizes implementation efforts underway by NDDOT, including contracts with outside agencies that resulted in the hiring of a regional coordinator for each of the pilot regions. The report presented related budgets and corresponding funding options for a three-year period. Funding options included the use of Job Access Reverse Commute and New Freedom funding and the use of non-urbanized Section 5311 administrative funds.

With regard to statewide implementation, phased statewide coverage could be attained in 3-5 years and might include one coordinator for the Fargo-Moorhead urban area and up to four coordinators for the remainder of the state. The eventual number of coordinators would be determined based on workloads identified during the implementation process. North Dakota currently has four coordinators – one in the Fargo-Moorhead urban area, one in the northeast region of the state, and one in each of the two pilot regions.

Also as part of the project, SURTC created websites for local operators, upgraded the transit portion of NDDOT’s website, developed uniform policies, engaged in efforts to standardized fares, and analyzed rural routes in an attempt to reduce duplication and increase mobility options.

The study was conducted by Jon Mielke, Keven Anderson, and Carol Wright. For more details, contact Jon Mielke at The full report  and the previous study are available at the following links:

Research to Investigate Mobility Management and Transportation Coordination Programs

A new SURTC study will investigate the impacts of mobility management and coordination programs. To improve the cost effectiveness and quality of human service transportation programs, efforts have been made at the federal, state, and local levels to implement coordination and mobility management programs. These include coordinated transportation planning processes, mobility management coordination practices, one call/one click transportation management centers, and state leadership activities. This research will evaluate the effectiveness of these programs through the perspective of end users and other stakeholders.

A series of surveys will be conducted across the country of human service transportation users, transit providers, human service agencies, and others. The effectiveness of these programs will ultimately be evaluated based on the economic and quality of life impacts they have on their users.

The research will attempt to determine the impacts of mobility management and coordination programs in meeting the goals of efficiency, ease of access, and quality of service in the places studied, and it will assess the effectiveness of these programs in meeting the needs of transportation-disadvantaged populations. It will also provide a model that any community could use to assess the effectiveness of their programs.

SURTC is collaborating on this project with researchers from the University of South Florida and the University of Illinois, Chicago. SURTC researcher Jeremy Mattson is the lead investigator for the project. For more information, contact Jeremy Mattson at

Coordination Pilot Projects Proceed in North Dakota

In early October, the North Dakota Department of Transportation gave SURTC the go-ahead to proceed with a 15-month project aimed at implementing coordination-related recommendations in two North Dakota pilot regions.  The project's task list centers around recommendations developed by SURTC in response to a mandate enacted during North Dakota's 2009 legislative session. Tasks include the provision of responsive transit services within individual communities and counties, increasing coordination among the regions' transit service providers, increasing public awareness regarding the availability of local transit services, and promoting overall operator effectiveness and efficiency. Jon Mielke will serve as the regional coordinator for the 7-county west central region, and Keven Anderson will serve as the coordinator for the 12-county south central region. The project's final work product will be a corresponding report for the 2013 Legislature.

Regional Transit Coordination in North Dakota Studied

A new SURTC report titled "Public Transit Regional Coordination Pilot Projects in North Dakota" by Jon Mielke, Carol Wright, David Ripplinger, Dr. James H. Miller, and Del Peterson has been posted online.

This publication is a result of action from North Dakota's 2009 Legislature that directed the state Department of Transportation to initiate two public transit regional coordination projects. NDDOT subsequently contracted with SURTC to develop corresponding implementation plans.

Regional steering committees were created in each region and an extensive public input process was undertaken to solicit input from the regions' transit managers and the public. A review process was also undertaken to study coordination in states that might be similar to North Dakota, to identify corresponding federal mandates concerning the coordination of transit services, and to identify industry best practices from around the country and within the two pilot regions.

Preliminary recommendations were presented to each region's regional steering committee (including all of each region's transit managers) and through a series of public information meetings. The draft report was also shared with all of the state's transit managers; related input was included in the report. The resulting report was presented to NDDOT in December 2010. The department forwarded the report, along with its corresponding implementation plans, to North Dakota's 2011 Legislature. The Legislature will ultimately determine what additional policy directives, if any, are needed.

North Dakota Regional Coordination Webpage Launched

The webpage for the North Dakota Regional Pilot Projects has been launched. The page contains background information on the projects, the times and locations of upcoming public input meetings, as well as project documents.

The North Dakota Regional Pilot Projects are exploring opportunities and alternatives for regional coordination of public transit. The south central and west central regions of the state have been selected as the regions where regional coordination will be investigated. Public input meetings will be held in July 2010 to provide the public with information on the project and to solicit input on regional transit coordination.

SURTC to Participate in Transportation Coordination Summit

David Ripplinger, associate research fellow at the Small Urban & Rural Transit Center, will be speaking on the relationship between demographics and transit at the Dakota Transit Association's 2nd Annual Transportation Coordination Summit on April 21st.  The presentation will cover recent demographic changes in North and South Dakota, the dynamics of population change and its impact on transit, as well as transit's impact on livability.