Posts tagged as "newsletter"
SURTC Fall/Winter 2013 Newsletter
The Fall/Winter 2013 issue of the Transit Lane Brief has been published and is available online. This issue features articles on the new Small Urban and Rural Livability Center funded by a U.S. DOT grant, the FTA 101 web-based training module under development, a webinar on engaging people with disabilities and older adults in planning, new affiliated staff at SURTC, a new graduate-level transit course under development, SURTC participation at conferences, and SURTC training activities. The current and previous issues can be downloaded from the SURTC website.
SURTC 2013 Summer Newsletter
The Summer 2013 issue of the Transit Lane Brief has been published and is available online. This issue features articles on a new project to collect demand-response service data, the recently published Rural Transit Fact Book and Research Digest, a new ethics course under development, SURTC training activities, an ongoing study on transportation for veterans, and other activities. The current and previous issues can be downloaded from the SURTC website.
SURTC Spring 2013 Newsletter
The Spring 2013 issue of the Transit Lane Brief has been published and is available online. This issue features articles on recently completed research studies regarding transit and community livability, use of effortless passenger identification systems, and use of technologies for improving public participation, as well as an update on training activities and personnel changes. The current and previous issues can be downloaded from the SURTC website.
SURTC Winter 2013 Newsletter
The Winter 2013 issue of the Transit Lane Brief has been published and is available online. This issue has articles on two recently completed studies, new projects underway, a report describing the mentorship program being used in NDSU's graduate-level public transportation class, the addition of transit policy resources posted on SURTC's website, and the addition of new research staff at SURTC. The current and previous issues can be downloaded from the SURTC website.
SURTC Fall 2012 Newsletter
The Fall 2012 issue of the Transit Lane Brief has been published and is available online. This issue has articles on three new research projects that are underway, two reports that were recently published, and SURTC's numerous ongoing training activities. The current and previous issues can be downloaded from the SURTC website.
SURTC Summer 2012 Newsletter
The Summer 2012 issue of the Transit Lane Brief has been published and is available online. This issue features an article on the American Public Transportation Association’s Public Transportation and Universities Conference held June 16-19 in Fargo, which was co-hosted by SURTC. The debut of SURTC's Advanced Transit Management course and the recently published 2012 editions of the Rural Transit Fact Book and SURTC Research Digest are featured as well. The current and previous issues can be downloaded from the SURTC website.
SURTC Spring 2012 Newsletter Published
The Spring 2012 issue of the Transit Lane Brief has been published and is available online. This issue features articles on a U.S. DOT grant awarded to a consortium including SURTC; NDSU's graduate-level public transportation class; tribal transit courses, a tribal transit webinar, and Limited English Proficiency (LEP) workshops conducted by SURTC; a recently completed study on alternative fuels and hybrid vehicles for small urban and rural transit agencies; and SURTC's participation at TRB and TRF. The current and previous issues can be downloaded from the SURTC website.
SURTC Winter Newsletter Published
The Winter 2012 issue of the Transit Lane Brief has been published and is available online. This issue features articles on a new advanced transit management course being developed by SURTC, coordination pilot projects in North Dakota recently launched by SURTC, a new study on effortless passenger identification systems, a completed study on the importance of vehicle supplier attributes, a recently completed workshop on diversity, and an upcoming SURTC webinar on tribal transit funding. The current and previous issues can be downloaded from the SURTC website.
SURTC Fall Newsletter Available Online
The Fall 2011 issue of the Transit Lane Brief has been published and is available online. This issue features articles on a new tribal transit management course developed by SURTC and a recently completed tribal transit assessment study, as well as updates on other projects and recent staff changes. The current and previous issues can be downloaded from the SURTC website.
SURTC Summer 2011 Newsletter Released
The Summer 2011 issue of the Transit Lane Brief has been published and is available online. This issue features articles on the recently published Rural Transit Fact Book and SURTC Research Digest, new training activities, the development of a national transit curriculum, and recent studies on how the built environment influences transit ridership and how transit subsidies can be justified.
We are also encouraging transit agencies to share your advertising ideas with us and we will post them on our blog. Send your entries to
The current and previous issues of the SURTC newsletter can be downloaded from the SURTC website.