Small Urban and Rural Center on Mobility

Posts tagged as "conference"


SURTC staff will be participating in next week's Transportation Research Board Annual Meeting in Washington, DC. Below is a list of sessions and committee meetings in which SURTC staff will be participating.


SURTC Staff Session/Meeting Presentation Title Date
Jeremy Mattson (Presenting) ADA30 Transportation Planning for Small and Medium-Sized Communities Committee Mobility Management, Cost-Benefit Analyses, and Demand-Response Level of Service: Recent Research from SURTC Jan 12, 10:00 – 10:20 AM
Jill Hough (Presiding) Session 442 – Transportation Planning Applications: Tips and Tools Jan 12, 4:15 – 6:00 PM
Jill Hough and Del Peterson (Attending) AP055 Rural Public and Intercity Bus Transportation Committee Meeting Jan 13, 10:15 AM – 12:00 PM
Jeremy Mattson (Poster) Session 638 – Inclusive Transportation: Infrastructure and Services Evaluating the State of Mobility Management and Human Service Transportation Coordination Jan 13, 2:00 – 3:45 PM
Del Peterson (Presenting) Session 699 – Special Topics in Rural and Small Urban Public Transportation Improving Veterans' Mobility in Small Urban and Rural Areas Jan 13, 3:45 – 5:30 PM
Ranjit Godavarthy (Presenting) Session 699 – Special Topics in Rural and Small Urban Public Transportation Cost-Benefit Analysis of U.S. Rural and Small Urban Transit Jan 13, 3:45 – 5:30 PM
Jill Hough (Presenting) Session 826 Gender Differences and the Built Environment Relative Desired Mobility of Elderly Women Living in Rural and Small Urban Locations in North Dakota Jan 14, 2:30 – 4:00 PM

SURTC Participating at National Conference on Rural Public and Intercity Bus Transportation

SURTC staff will be attending and participating in next week's National Conference on Rural Public and Intercity Bus Transportation in Monterey, California. SURTC director Jill Hough, researchers Del Peterson, Jeremy Mattson, and Ranjit Godavarthy, and training coordinator Rob Lynch will each be giving presentations. Jill Hough and Del Peterson will also each be moderating a session, and Rob Lynch will be manning SURTC's booth at the vendor show. Del Peterson served on the conference's planning committee and will also be awarding the winners of the student paper competition. If you are attending the conference, be sure to stop by our booth and say hi or attend our sessions. Below is list of sessions in which SURTC staff are participating.

Speaker Presentation Title Date
Jill Hough Ethics in the Workplace Mon, Oct 27, 10:00-11:30 AM
Jeremy Mattson Evaluating the State of Mobility Management and Human Service Transportation Coordination Mon, Oct 27, 10:00-11:30 AM
Rob Lynch Emergency Management: An Opportunity for Collaborations and Partnerships for Rural Transit Mon, Oct 27, 2:00-3:30 PM
Del Peterson Improving Veteran Mobility in the Northern Plains: Connecting Veterans in Minnesota, Montana and North Dakota to VA Health Care Centers Tues, Oct 28, 10:00-11:30 AM
Ranjit Godavarthy Cost Benefit Analysis of Rural and Small Urban Transit Tues, Oct 28, 4:00-5:30 PM
Moderator Session Date
Del Peterson Communicating with Customers and Communities: Virtual BFFs Tues, Oct 28, 10:00-11:30 AM
Jill Hough Enhancing Livability in Rural America: What It Means In Your State, Region and Community Tues, Oct 28, 4:00-5:30 PM


SURTC staff will be participating in this year's Community Transportation EXPO, being held June 8-13 in St. Paul, MN. Jill Hough, SURTC director, will be presenting "Ethics in Decision Making," and SURTC researcher Del Peterson will be presenting results from a recent study on veterans transportation. Details about their presentations are below:

Speaker: Jill Hough
Presentation title: Ethics in Decision Making
Session: Professional Development Leadership Sessions
Date and time: Wed. June 11, 3:15 pm
Location: RiverCentre, Meeting Room 2

Speaker: Del Peterson
Presentation title: Improving Veteran Mobility in Small Urban and Rural Areas
Session: Veterans Mobility: How VTCLI Has Helped Us Serve our Veterans
Date and time: Wed. June 11, 3:15 pm
Location: RiverCentre, Meeting Room 12

SURTC will also have a booth at the EXPO. Stop by our booth and visit with Rob Lynch, SURTC's training coordinator, and other SURTC staff. Summaries of recent research projects and other SURTC material will be available.

Deadline for Student Paper Competition Extended

The deadline for the student paper competition at the National Conference on Rural Public and Intercity Bus Transportation has been extended to March 28. View the recent post on the SURTC blog or the conference website for more information.

Student Paper Competition at National Conference on Rural Public & Intercity Bus Transportation

Competition for Best Graduate Research Paper
Best Undergraduate Essay

Deadline for Submission
March 7, 2014

The Transportation Research Board Committee on Rural Public and Intercity Bus Transportation hosts a biennial conference in cooperation with the Federal Transit Administration, Transportation Research Board, National Rural Transit Assistance Program, American Public Transportation Association, and others. The 2014 conference will be held in Monterey, California on October 26-29.

Part of that conference is a student competition that encourages students in transportation and related fields to submit papers that focus on the 2014 theme of “Setting Our Course for the Future.” There are two competitions: the graduate student competition, which requires submission of a research paper, and the undergraduate student competition, which requires an essay addressing a specific challenge statement related to our theme.

Two winning student papers in each category (graduate and undergraduate) will receive awards, a cash prize and travel expenses to the 2014 conference in Monterey, California.

If you are an advisor or administrator of a program in engineering, economics, business, literature, sociology, medicine, social work, science, or any other discipline in which students are interested in addressing the issues of rural mobility, we ask that you distribute the attached flyers (graduate and/or undergraduate) and encourage them to submit an entry by the March 7, 2014 deadline.

Flyers with more information are below:

For more information, contact Del Peterson, North Dakota State University ( or Pat Weaver, University of Kansas ( Additional details about the conference are available at the conference website.

Participation at Louisiana Public Transit Conference

Keven Anderson, coordinator of training and outreach, and researcher Jeremy Mattson are participating in the 2013 Louisiana Public Transit Conference in New Orleans, LA, Nov. 20-22.

Anderson is conducting a session on succession planning and mentoring. Many of the transit managers currently in the industry are at or near retirement age, and most systems have no plans for future managers. In his presentation, Anderson will discuss how to run your transit system as a business and how to grow your current employees through mentor programs to take on more responsibility and continue to grow.

Mattson is giving a presentation on the use of alternative fuels and hybrid vehicles by small urban and rural transit systems. His presentation will be based on a previous study he conducted which involved a survey of small urban and rural transit operators. This research examined the use of alternative fuels and hybrids by these agencies, satisfaction with these alternatives, problems encountered, reasons for adoption, and deterrents, both perceived and real. Click here to access the report.

Watch a Highlight Video of the 2012 APTA Public Transportation & Universities Conference Held in Fargo

MATBUS has posted a highlight video of the 2012 APTA Public Transportation & Universities Conference in Fargo, ND. The conference was hosted by MATBUS, SURTC, and NDSU and was the first APTA conference ever held in North Dakota. Watch the video below.

You can also find this and other MATBUS videos on their YouTube page.


Staff Presentations from Rural & Intercity Bus Conference Online

The following presentations given by SURTC researchers Jeremy Mattson and Del Peterson at the 20th National Conference for Rural Public & Intercity Bus Transportation are available to view or download on the SURTC website:

These and other presentations are available in the Staff Presentation section of the SURTC website.

Attend the 2012 APTA Public Transportation & Universities Conference

Attend the 2012 Public Transportation & Universities Conference June 16-19 at the Ramada Plaza & Suites in Fargo, ND.

The conference will address the special transportation needs of university communities and offers a rare opportunity to see how a successful university-transit partnership works. Learn how this partnership has evolved to boost ridership.

The conference agenda includes sessions on:

  • Partnerships
  • Emerging technologies
  • Future university trends
  • New business models
  • Safety and security, emergency preparedness and response
  • Marketing
  • Financing
  • Case studies and more

The program also includes networking opportunities, a minor-league baseball game, a chance to explore Fargo's revitalized and hip downtown, and a private screening at the historic Fargo Theatre.