Student Paper Competition at National Conference on Rural Public & Intercity Bus Transportation
Competition for Best Graduate Research Paper
Best Undergraduate Essay
Deadline for Submission
March 7, 2014
The Transportation Research Board Committee on Rural Public and Intercity Bus Transportation hosts a biennial conference in cooperation with the Federal Transit Administration, Transportation Research Board, National Rural Transit Assistance Program, American Public Transportation Association, and others. The 2014 conference will be held in Monterey, California on October 26-29.
Part of that conference is a student competition that encourages students in transportation and related fields to submit papers that focus on the 2014 theme of “Setting Our Course for the Future.” There are two competitions: the graduate student competition, which requires submission of a research paper, and the undergraduate student competition, which requires an essay addressing a specific challenge statement related to our theme.
Two winning student papers in each category (graduate and undergraduate) will receive awards, a cash prize and travel expenses to the 2014 conference in Monterey, California.
If you are an advisor or administrator of a program in engineering, economics, business, literature, sociology, medicine, social work, science, or any other discipline in which students are interested in addressing the issues of rural mobility, we ask that you distribute the attached flyers (graduate and/or undergraduate) and encourage them to submit an entry by the March 7, 2014 deadline.
Flyers with more information are below:
- Graduate Student Rural and Intercity Bus Research Paper Competition (pdf)
- College and University Rural and Intercity Bus Essay Competition (pdf)
For more information, contact Del Peterson, North Dakota State University ( or Pat Weaver, University of Kansas ( Additional details about the conference are available at the conference website.