Small Urban and Rural Center on Mobility

Transit Roundup

  • A new Senate climate bill was introduced on May 12 that would provide more than $6 billion per year for transportation programs.  The funding, which would be generating by selling carbon emissions permits to fuel providers, would be split three ways: a third to the federal highway trust fund for projects that decrease greenhouse gas emissions, a third for competitive federal grants similar to the Transportation Investments Generating Economic Recovery (TIGER) program, and a third for local land use planning. References: Streetsblog, Reuters, NY Times.
  • The Federal Transit Administration (FTA), on May 13, issued its Supplemental Fiscal Year 2010 Apportionments and Allocations and Corrections Notice, which provides transit funding information for the remainder of the calendar year and updates apportionment tables to reflect 100 percent of the FTA's grant programs for FY10. See the FTA website for more details.
  • The FTA, on May 13, also announced the availability of $15.1 million in funding provided by the Public Transportation on Indian Reservations Program (Tribal Transit Program (TTP)). Proposals must be submitted by June 28. For more information, see NRC Capitol Clips and the May 13 edition of the Federal Register (pdf).

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