Small Urban and Rural Center on Mobility

2022 Rural Transit Fact Book Published and Web Apps Updated

SURCOM has published an updated edition of the Rural Transit Fact Book. This publication is intended to serve as a national resource for statistics and information on rural transit in America. The Fact Book includes rural demographic and travel behavior data as well as financial, operating, and fleet statistics and performance measures for agencies receiving Section 5311 funding. In addition to national level data, statistics are presented by state, FTA region, tribe, and mode, as well as other agency characteristics.

The Rural Transit Fact Book presents data from the National Transit Database (NTD) and rural demographic and travel data from the American Community Survey and the National Household Travel Survey. The publication can be downloaded at the SURCOM website.

SURCOM has also updated two web tools – the Rural Transit eTool and the State of Good Repair Web App. The Rural Transit eTool is a web app that presents data from the Rural Transit Fact Book, and the State of Good Repair Web App provides information about the status of the current rural transit fleet across the country and predicted replacement and funding needs.

For more information about the Fact Book, contact Jeremy Mattson at, and for more information about the web apps, contact Dilip Mistry at

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