Small Urban and Rural Center on Mobility

Research Project to Provide Guidebook for Initiating or Improving Rural and Tribal Transit

SURCOM is participating in a research project to develop a practical and actionable guidebook on initiating new and enhancing existing rural and tribal public transportation that improves mobility and efficiency. The project, which is funded by NCHRP 08-147 and TCRP B-49, is a collaborative effort being led by KFH Group. Other members of the research team include Texas A&M Transportation Institute (TTI), the Western Transportation Institute (WTI) at Montana State University, Eastern Washington University, Nelson Nygaard, and Palo Consulting Group.

Within the primary objective of providing guidance for initiating or improving rural and tribal transit, the research project will:

  • Identify and promote practices that are responsive to customers
  • Aid transit providers in improving efficiency and effectiveness
  • Help transit providers better leverage and coordinate resources, comply with federal regulations, and adopt emerging technologies
  • Address differences among rural areas and tribal communities, especially those that affect public transportation need and services

The project is covering a wide range of topics. The research team has begun phase 1 of the study, which is to gather and synthesize information. This includes a survey of transportation providers and states and the identification of innovative practices and strategies. Phase 2 will include case studies and the preparation of the guidebook. The Final Guidebook is expected to be published in early 2024.

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