Posts categorized under "Events"
Transportation Seminar: An Assessment of Demand for Rural Intercity Transportation Services in a Changing Environment
A Transportation Seminar titled “An Assessment of Demand for Rural Intercity Transportation Services in a Changing Environment” will be held Jan. 28, 2010 at 1:00 p.m. in Room 422 of the IACC building on the North Dakota State University campus.
With higher fuel costs and changing demographics and economic conditions, travel behavior, and the level and allocation of resources in highways, rail, air, and transit service in rural areas, may be changing. SURTC researcher Jeremy Mattson will discuss the results of a study that examined the attitudes of would-be passengers in their choice of mode and the factors determining their choice in rural and small urban areas. A stated preference survey was developed and administered to residents of North Dakota and northwest and west central Minnesota, and a logit model was used to estimate the likelihood that an individual would choose a given mode based on the characteristics of the mode, the characteristics of the individual, and the characteristics of the trip. The results can be used to show how demand for different modes will change with changes in demographics and economic conditions.
Three members of the Small Urban and Rural Transit Center (SURTC) will be participating in the Transportation Research Board's 89th Annual Meeting January 10-14 in Washington, D.C.
Jeremy Mattson will present the paper Assessment of Demand for Rural Intercity Transportation Services in a Changing Environment as part of the Rural Transportation Research paper session hosted by the Rural Public and Intercity Bus Transportation Committee at 1:30 pm on Tuesday, January 12. The paper, which is co-authored by Del Peterson, David Ripplinger, William Thomas, and Jill Hough, investigates the impact of individual and trip characteristics on mode choice for rural intercity travel.
David Ripplinger will be presenting Classifying Rural and Small Urban Transit Agencies in the Rural Transportation Policy paper session at 3:45 pm on Tuesday, January 12. The paper presents the motivation behind, methodology, and results of classifying transit agencies that serve rural and small urban areas.
Jill Hough will be presiding over TRB's Rural Public and Intercity Bus Transportation Conference Planning Subcommittee at 7:30 pm Tuesday, January 12. The Conference is being held on October 24-27, 2010, in Burlington, Vermont.
David Ripplinger will be chairing TRB's Paratransit Research Subcommittee which is meeting at 3:45 pm Tuesday, January 12.
Transportation Workforce Development Seminar Rescheduled
The Transportation Seminar titled “Transportation Workforce Development – Are We Ready?” has been rescheduled for Dec. 8, 2009 at 1:00 p.m. in Room 422 of the IACC building on the North Dakota State University campus.
Transportation Seminar: Transportation Workforce Development – Are We Ready?
A Transportation Seminar titled "Transportation Workforce Development – Are We Ready?" will be held Dec. 1, 2009 at 1:00 p.m. in Room 422 of the IACC building on the North Dakota State University campus. Workforce Development is a popular term these days, particularly given the changing demographics as ‘baby-boomers’ enter retirement. Much attention is being given to understanding the transportation workforce needs as well as attracting and preparing the next generations of transportation personnel. Join us to hear about and participate in discussions regarding educating, attracting, and retaining workforce within the transportation industry.
Solutions Summit: Public Transportation Workforce Development
The Small Urban and Rural Transit Center recently held a public transportation workforce development summit in Fargo, ND. Participants included current transit professionals from all around the country, representatives from higher educational institutions, and current undergraduate and graduate students. Breakout sessions focused on internships, higher education, and workforce retention.
Seminar on How to Conduct a Review of a Peer-Reviewed Journal Article
A Transportation Seminar titled "How to Conduct a Review of a Peer-Reviewed Journal Article" will be held Oct. 13, 2009 at 1:00 p.m. in Room 422 of the IACC building on the North Dakota State University campus. In this seminar, attendees will be presented with an overview of the peer review process, the role and responsibility of peer reviewers, as well as tips and considerations to ensure that reviews are done well.
Transportation Seminar on Transit and Small Urban Sprawl
A Transportation Seminar titled “Transit and Small Urban Sprawl” will be held Sept. 29, 2009 at 1:00 p.m. in Room 422 of the IACC building on the North Dakota State University campus.
Small urban sprawl has resulted in new housing developments and business centers that have never been served by transit. Unfortunately, transit agencies are often not included in the land development process within small urban communities. SURTC researcher Del Peterson recently studied the issue and will present his findings. The objectives of his study were to determine what steps small urban transit providers are currently taking to integrate transit service into sprawling communities and to determine what can be done to improve relationships with local governments during the land development planning process.
Transportation Seminar on Generating Public Involvement in Transportation Decision Making
A Transportation Seminar titled "Generating Public Involvement in Transportation Decision Making" will be held Sept. 22, 2009 at 1:00 p.m. in Room 422 of the IACC building on the North Dakota State University campus.
Despite the critical role that transportation plays in our economy and quality of life, the public often chooses not to be involved in public policy decisions related to planning and financing. This seminar presentation will discuss a recent initiative undertaken by the Upper Great Plains Transportation Institute to generate public involvement in transportation decision making and subsequent efforts to share research findings with key elected officials.
Dakota Transit Association to hold 25th Anniversary Fall Conference
The Dakota Transit Association is holding its 25th Anniversary Fall Conference and Bus Roadeo Sept. 19-23 in Fargo, ND. SURTC staff will be on hand Sept. 20 and 21 to discuss the launching of our blog.