Small Urban and Rural Center on Mobility

Posts tagged as "conference"

Register Now for the APTA Public Transportation & Universities Conference in Fargo

Registration is open for the 2012 Public Transportation & Universities Conference. This conference, hosted by the American Public Transportation Association (APTA), is scheduled for June 16-19, 2012 (Saturday-Tuesday), at the Ramada Plaza & Suites in Fargo, ND. North Dakota State University and Metro Area Transit (MATBUS) are co-hosting the event. The early fee deadline for registration is May 11.

The preliminary program has been posted. Visit the conference website for more information. The biennial Public Transportation & Universities Conference focuses on the unique needs of university communities and the population they serve.

SURTC Participating at TRF

SURTC will be represented at the upcoming 53rd Annual Transportation Research Forum in Tampa, FL. Del Peterson will present his Ride or Relocate study which highlighted senior transportation and housing options in North Dakota.

SURTC to Participate at TRB

SURTC will be active in the upcoming Transportation Research Board's 91st Annual Meeting, January 22-26 in Washington, DC. Director Jill Hough will be involved in the Rural and Intercity Bus Public Transportation Committee and the Rural and Intercity Bus Conference Planning Subcommittee, and researcher Jeremy Mattson will be giving three presentations at the conference, as shown here:

Presentation Title Session Date
Marginal Cost Pricing and Subsidy of Small Urban Transit Explorations in Transit Management, Performance, and Funding Jan 23 7:30PM- 9:30PM
Transportation and Health Care Use for Older Adults in Small Communities Future of Transportation for Older Adults in Small Communities Jan 24  8:00AM- 9:45AM
Application of Attitudinal Structural Equation Modeling to Intercity Transportation Market Segmentation Intercity Passenger Rail: Tailored Solutions and Market Penetration Jan 24 1:30PM- 3:15PM

Presentations from Conference on Rural Public and Intercity Bus Transportation Available Online

The Transportation Research Board has released a Final Program for the 19th National Conference on Rural Public and Intercity Bus Transportation, held October 24-27, 2010, in Burlington, Vermont. Most of the presentations from this conference are now available online and are linked to within this document. Click here to open the Final Program (pdf), and then click on the presenters names highlighted in blue to view the presentations.

SURTC was heavily involved in this conference. Director Jill Hough served as the Chair of the Conference Planning Committee, and researchers David Ripplinger, Del Peterson, and Jeremy Mattson gave presentations and moderated sessions. The following are links to the presentations (pdf documents) given by SURTC staff:

SURTC Staff to Participate in National Rural Transit Conference

Small Urban and Rural Transit Center staff will be busy during the 19th National Conference on Rural Public and Intercity Bus Transportation being held October 24-27, 2010 in Burlington, Vermont.

Dr. Jill Hough, director of the Small Urban and Rural Transit Center, is serving as chair of the conference that covers planning and design; policy, funding and finance; rural transportation in today's operating environment; technology; and special issues.

Jeremy Mattson will present a paper on the mobility of older adults and people with disabilities in North Dakota. Del Peterson will moderate a session on commuter programs and present a paper on transit and residential choice. David Ripplinger will present papers on technology use by rural transit agencies and uses of Rural National Transit Database (Rural NTD) data as well as moderate the session on Rural NTD.

Rural Public and Intercity Bus Transportation Conference to be Held in October

The 19th National Conference on Rural Public and Intercity Bus Transportation will be held October 24-27, 2010 in Burlington, Vermont. The conference includes information on planning and design; policy, funding and finance; rural transportation in today's operating environment; technology; and special issues in rural transportation. Over thirty sessions, special events, and tours will expand the five routes. See the conference promotional flyer for more information.

Dr. Jill Hough, Director of the Small Urban and Rural Transit Center, is serving as the conference chair.

The conference is sponsored by the Transportation Research Board, the Federal Transit Administration, and the National Rural Transit Assistance Program. The American Public Transportation Association, the American Bus Association, the Community Transportation Association, the American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials, the Vermont Agency of Transportation, and the University of Vermont Transportation Research Center are cooperating organizations.

SURTC at the Transportation Research Forum

Two SURTC researchers will be participating in the 51st Annual Transportation Research Forum (TRF) being held March 11-13 in Arlington, VA.

Jeremy Mattson and David Ripplinger will be presenting papers in a session on transit and paratransit services on March 13 at 8:45 am.  Mattson will present a paper titled "An Assessment of Demand for Rural Intercity Transportation Services in a Changing Environment." The paper, which is co-authored by Del Peterson, David Ripplinger, William Thomas, and Jill Hough, investigates the impacts of individual, mode, and trip characteristics on mode choice for rural intercity travel, with some attention given to the impacts of changing gasoline prices and changing demographics on mode choices.

Ripplinger will present a paper titled "Modeling Transit Technology Adoption," which identifies and examines the use of transit technologies by rural transit agencies and investigates the relationship between firm and environmental factors that impact the adoption of these technologies.

Ripplinger is also chairing a session titled "Urban Highway, Transit, and Pedestrian Design" on March 12 at 3:15 pm and a session titled "Highways: Regional Economic Impacts" on March 13 at 10:30 am.


Three members of the Small Urban and Rural Transit Center (SURTC) will be participating in the Transportation Research Board's 89th Annual Meeting January 10-14 in Washington, D.C.

Jeremy Mattson will present the paper Assessment of Demand for Rural Intercity Transportation Services in a Changing Environment as part of the Rural Transportation Research paper session hosted by the Rural Public and Intercity Bus Transportation Committee at 1:30 pm on Tuesday, January 12. The paper, which is co-authored by Del Peterson, David Ripplinger, William Thomas, and Jill Hough, investigates the impact of individual and trip characteristics on mode choice for rural intercity travel.

David Ripplinger will be presenting Classifying Rural and Small Urban Transit Agencies in the Rural Transportation Policy paper session at 3:45 pm on Tuesday, January 12. The paper presents the motivation behind, methodology, and results of classifying transit agencies that serve rural and small urban areas.

Jill Hough will be presiding over TRB's Rural Public and Intercity Bus Transportation Conference Planning Subcommittee at 7:30 pm Tuesday, January 12. The Conference is being held on October 24-27, 2010, in Burlington, Vermont.

David Ripplinger will be chairing TRB's Paratransit Research Subcommittee which is meeting at 3:45 pm Tuesday, January 12.

Dakota Transit Association to hold 25th Anniversary Fall Conference

The Dakota Transit Association is holding its 25th Anniversary Fall Conference and Bus Roadeo Sept. 19-23 in Fargo, ND. SURTC staff will be on hand Sept. 20 and 21 to discuss the launching of our blog.