Posts for "2013"
Transit Policy Resources Posted to SURTC Website
New resources have been added to the SURTC website to assist transit agencies in developing policies and procedures. SURTC collected a number of sample policies, procedures, and report forms from different organizations and posted them online so they can be viewed, downloaded, and adopted by transit agencies.
Included are good examples of advisory board by-laws, driver handbooks, no-show policies, riders’ guides, vehicle maintenance programs, accident report forms, guidelines on local planning and coordination, and many others. As with all samples, these should be reviewed by your board of directors and legal counsel if you wish to adopt them.
These transit policy examples are found in the Other Resources section of the SURTC website.
SURTC Partnering with National Center on Senior Transportation
SURTC is working with the National Center on Senior Transportation (NCST) to develop a plan for conducting technical assistance and training needs assessments.
NCST has been administered by Easter Seals, Inc. and the National Association of Area Agencies on Aging (n4a) since its inception, and these partners were once again selected in 2012 by the Federal Transit Administration to administer the center.
Easter Seals, Inc. and n4a identified the development of a plan for conducting technical assistance and training needs assessments as one of NCST’s milestones.
Ph.D. student Elvis Ndembe and Dr. Jill Hough began work on this project December 1, 2012. Ndembe and Hough are looking at past successful technical assistance mechanisms NCST has utilized and will develop survey instruments, conduct focus groups, and evaluate other appropriate data sources to help with the new assessment. The assessment should be completed by May 2013.